Adenol drops

Adenol drops

Adenol – a combination of essential oils prevents snoring in a natural way. Snoring is caused by air flowing in the nasal or oral sinuses, when the released tissues vibrate and oscillate in the air, which then flows through epiglottis to the wind pipe. The scent of natural oils in a special proportion causes a strong perfusion and tension on the tissues and thus prevents the flowing air from making noisy sounds.
Clinically proven effect.

10 ml

Clinical tests proved high effectiveness of Adenol. Snoring stopped after the first night of application at 50% of cases, after 2-3 days at 20% , after 10-15 days at 25% and at remaing 5%., where physiological abnormalities appeared, there was the snoring reduced.
The Adenol application is very pleasant – there remains a fresh, balsamic scent in bedroom and it repels insects.
Use of Adenol drops will be more efficient when coupled with Adenol throat spray

Drop 4-5 drops of Adenol on your pillow. The preparation does not leave spots after its evaporation.

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